Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interface to the spirit web view used in the plotting tool.

import json
import secrets
import numpy as np
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML, Javascript

_vfr_frame_id_mapping = {}
_next_frame_id = 1
_frame_id_suffix = secrets.token_hex(32)

# pylint: disable=line-too-long,global-statement

[docs]def setup(vfr_frame_id='', height_px=600, width_percent=100): """Create a frame in the jupyter ntoebook to into which the spins are shown.""" global _vfr_frame_id_mapping, _next_frame_id, _frame_id_suffix if vfr_frame_id not in _vfr_frame_id_mapping: _vfr_frame_id_mapping[vfr_frame_id] = 'vfr_frame_wrapper_' + str( _next_frame_id) + '_' + _frame_id_suffix _next_frame_id += 1 vfr_frame_id = _vfr_frame_id_mapping[vfr_frame_id] unique_id = secrets.token_hex(32) return HTML(''' <div id="''' + vfr_frame_id + '''" name="''' + vfr_frame_id + '''" data-vfr-id="''' + unique_id + '''"> </div> <script> window.addEventListener("message", (event) => { if (event.origin !== "") { return; } if (['frame_id'] !== "''' + vfr_frame_id + '''") { return; } if (typeof window.vfr_iframe === 'undefined') { window.vfr_iframe = {}; } window.vfr_iframe["''' + vfr_frame_id + '''"] = event.source; }, false); /* remove duplicate frame wrappers */ var existing_frame_wrappers = document.getElementsByName("''' + vfr_frame_id + '''"); if (existing_frame_wrappers.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < existing_frame_wrappers.length; i++) { console.log(existing_frame_wrappers[i].dataset.vfrId); if (existing_frame_wrappers[i].dataset.vfrId !== "''' + unique_id + '''") { console.log(existing_frame_wrappers[i]); existing_frame_wrappers[i].remove(); } } } var frame_wrapper = document.getElementById("''' + vfr_frame_id + '''"); var iframe_url = "" + window.location.origin + "&frame_id=''' + vfr_frame_id + '''"; frame_wrapper.innerHTML = '<iframe src="' + iframe_url + '" style="width: ''' + str(width_percent) + '''%; height:''' + str(height_px) + '''px; border: 1px solid black;"></iframe>'; </script> ''')
[docs]def update(positions, directions, rectilinear=True, vfr_frame_id=''): """Update the spins in the frame.""" global _vfr_frame_id_mapping vfr_frame_id = _vfr_frame_id_mapping[vfr_frame_id] n_cells = positions.shape[:-1][::-1] n = int([:-1])) positions = positions.reshape( directions = directions.reshape( message = { 'function': 'update_state', 'state': { 'n': n, 'n_cells': n_cells, 'rectilinear': 1 if rectilinear else 0, 'positions': positions.tolist(), 'directions': directions.tolist() } } display(Javascript(f''' window.vfr_iframe['{vfr_frame_id}'].postMessage({json.dumps(message)}, ""); '''), clear=True)